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Red Insight WHS Consultant - Maitland, Newcastle & Hunter
Red Insight WHS Consultant - Maitland, Newcastle & Hunter

WHS Consultants
Ph. 0419 361 350

Health & Wellbeing Programs

The Nut Truckers journey – Kurt Speirs fundraising for Cancer

Please pardon the use of one word in this blog...it's the name of the event and it's for a great cause! Cancer is devastating, and almost everyone has seen the impact of the disease up close. Last year in Australia alone, approximately 50,000 people passed away from the illness, and another 162,000 were diagnosed. To

What are the biggest WHS risks office workers face?

When you think of high risk jobs you might conjure up images of semi-trailers criss-crossing our road system or warehousing staff lifting heavy loads while forklifts whiz to and fro. To some extent, this perception is accurate. Safe Work Australia found that the transport, postal and warehousing industry recorded the highest number of fatalities in


Holiday Safety

During the Christmas season, houses are brilliantly lit up and provide a magical sense to the season.  Lights are, however, a fire and electrical hazard so here are some tips to enjoy the season safely. When purchasing lights and extension cords always check the certification to ensure the products comply with applicable safety standards.  Never piggy-back

Keeping your head above water

Tragedy can occur in an instance.  Personally, I prefer to post about positive, innovative approaches to safety or similar.  This post, however, seems imperative as while it may seem we are inundated by reminders about pool safety, tragedies are still occurring at an alarming rate as the stats here show: 280 people drowned in Australian



2100 Australians take their lives every year. R U Ok? is a powerful question that can save a life.  Today is R U Ok? Day. Have a chat today - you just may save a life!! The following video is about how R U Ok? day was established by Founder, Gavin Larkin. There is still stigma around discussing mental health. Programs

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Safe Work Australia’s recent update on Workplace Bullying

Safe Work Australia has recent updates on workplace bullying: This includes a 30 page Guide to Preventing Workplace Bullying (click here Guide-preventing-responding-workplace-bullying), as well as a 15 page Workers Guide which includes help for not only those experiencing bullying, but also for witnesses and those who have had a bullying report made against them (click here Workers-Guide-workplace-bullying).

2018-04-05T09:43:32+10:00Tags: , , |

Workplace Bullying

Have you experienced workplace bullying? Know someone who has? The following link has some good information on: 1) what is bullying and what it is not, 2) who is responsible for stopping bullying, and 3) what you can do when potentially faced with workplace bullying Go to http://au.reachout.com/about-workplace-bullying which also includes links for support and tips such

2016-12-08T12:16:57+11:00Tags: , , |

Voluntary Health and Wellbeing Promotion Programs

Organisations benefit from implementing voluntary health and wellbeing promotion programs for a number of reasons including: Gains workers trust and loyalty because the workers will feel the business actually cares about them when their personal well-being is cared for by the business. The programs may be seen as going above and beyond. Assists workers in

2018-04-05T09:43:20+10:00Tags: |
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