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Red Insight WHS Consultant - Maitland, Newcastle & Hunter
Red Insight WHS Consultant - Maitland, Newcastle & Hunter

WHS Consultants
Ph. 0419 361 350

Industry News

Local Maitland Business Fire

We are saddened to hear of the fire at a local business in Maitland earlier this morning. Thankfully, there seems to be no indication that anyone was injured. With the damage, there will still be a significant portion of the interior that will need to be refurbished, resulting in potential disruption of services and other

2024-03-27T10:57:28+11:00Tags: , , |

Red Insight SAFETY ALERT 28

Red Insight Safety Alert 28  With the upcoming holidays it is a good time to think about your First Aid Kits for all workplaces.  This is also a great reminder for those who work from home and all homes while you celebrate the season with your loved ones. To save a Jpg version click


Victoria’s First Workplace Manslaughter Charge

If you haven’t heard yet, Victoria has brought their first workplace manslaughter charge. The Director of the stonemasonry business is facing 25 years in jail. As a parent of young children, I know I absolutely will expect my children to go to work and come home safe. I expect that the business they work for knows

With safety, do you have tunnel vision?

Imagine George Street in Sydney or Hunter Street in Newcastle requiring massive civil infrastructure upgrades such that sections would be closed off to vehicle access for years - a likely, if not certain, possibility. Economic uncertainty, business downturn, and potential permanent closure for the businesses would be certain. If businesses were to remain operational, safe public access would

2022-10-28T12:10:16+11:00Tags: , , , |

Bush Fire Danger Period – Starts Today!!

Bush Fire Danger Period Starts Today - 1 September Do you know when you are allowed to conduct hot works, such as welding or grinding?  What about using a BBQ?  The requirements vary depending on numerous factors, particularly location, type of activity, and whether or not a Total Fire Ban has been declared.  Your organisation

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