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Yearly Archives: 2016

Holiday Safety

During the Christmas season, houses are brilliantly lit up and provide a magical sense to the season.  Lights are, however, a fire and electrical hazard so here are some tips to enjoy the season safely. When purchasing lights and extension cords always check the certification to ensure the products comply with applicable safety standards.  Never piggy-back

They Want You to Come Home

They want you to come home. When you get up, leave your house and head to work, just remember that your family are expecting you to come home at the end of the day. This powerful message from Shane Webcke from 2015, demonstrates the lifelong changes the occur to your loved ones following a workplace

2018-04-05T09:45:33+10:00Tags: , , , |

Keeping your head above water

Tragedy can occur in an instance.  Personally, I prefer to post about positive, innovative approaches to safety or similar.  This post, however, seems imperative as while it may seem we are inundated by reminders about pool safety, tragedies are still occurring at an alarming rate as the stats here show: 280 people drowned in Australian


Young Workers

Young Workers With a recent number of Young Worker incidents in the news, I thought it a timely reminder to ask, "how do you manage your young workers?" A 16 year old apprentice fell seven metres at a construction site in Amaroo. It is alleged that it was his second day into his apprenticeship. http://www.canberratimes.com.au/act-news/sixteenyearold-apprentice-survives-sevenmetre-fall-at-amaroo-work-site-20161027-gscbsb.html A

2018-04-05T09:44:21+10:00Tags: , |

With safety, do you have tunnel vision?

Imagine George Street in Sydney or Hunter Street in Newcastle requiring massive civil infrastructure upgrades such that sections would be closed off to vehicle access for years - a likely, if not certain, possibility. Economic uncertainty, business downturn, and potential permanent closure for the businesses would be certain. If businesses were to remain operational, safe public access would

2022-10-28T12:10:16+11:00Tags: , , , |

Common Sense?

If you want a safety professional's head to explode, tell them safety is just common sense. Recently, this image appeared on a post on LinkedIn.  Essentially, the question asked is, "is this Common Sense?" So what is so common sense about it? What if the employer supplied the equipment and never provided suitable information, instruction, training

2018-04-05T09:44:08+10:00Tags: , , |

First aid – cartoon

Have you seen the St John Ambulance choking advert?  This video uses cartoon characters - a pen lid, marble, princess and jelly baby (choking objects) - to demonstrate the correct method to save a baby. It's simple and informative. We all know how much babies love to stick anything and everything in their mouths.  So knowing how



2100 Australians take their lives every year. R U Ok? is a powerful question that can save a life.  Today is R U Ok? Day. Have a chat today - you just may save a life!! The following video is about how R U Ok? day was established by Founder, Gavin Larkin. There is still stigma around discussing mental health. Programs

2018-04-05T09:43:56+10:00Tags: , |

How much is too much?

Safety Alerts are necessary, particularly where trends highlight critical information that may prevent future incidents.  Consultation of alerts is particularly effective when the incident has a resounding familiarity to the receiver of the information - for example, a skids steer operator will be more interested in how a 23 year old suffered fatal injuries when caught between

Bush Fire Danger Period – Starts Today!!

Bush Fire Danger Period Starts Today - 1 September Do you know when you are allowed to conduct hot works, such as welding or grinding?  What about using a BBQ?  The requirements vary depending on numerous factors, particularly location, type of activity, and whether or not a Total Fire Ban has been declared.  Your organisation

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